My books & oracles

Elevate your consciousness, find your inner peace, and transform your life through our books and oracles dedicated to spirituality

to come in English...

Empowering the Soul

A guide for lightworkers to turn their uniqueness into Magic

This book is for sensitive, loving and spiritual people who sometimes feel like they don’t belong to this world. With tools, practices, journaling prompts and more, it aims to help all the wonderful Lightworkers on this planet feel empowered, grounded, and more confident in their unique gifts.

As a Lightworker, the world needs you. You will realize here that your most beautiful talents are sometimes found in your life challenges.

books & Oracles in French

Discover and fulfil your life mission

A practical guide to recognizing your worth and giving meaning to your existence

This manual invites you to follow the path of your soul, to reconnect with who you really are, and to discover what you are here to accomplish in this lifetime. Thanks to numerous tips and practical exercises, you will be able to overcome your blockages and give meaning to your existence, with confidence and serenity.

Change your vibration, change your life

A practical guide for manifesting your deepest desires

If you are ready to undergo a profound transformation to create a more vibrant existence than ever, this high-vibration practical book will raise your consciousness. Attract abundance, joy, and harmony in all areas of your life thanks to teachings, advice, and practical exercises that will help you develop a new approach to life.

The High Vibration Oracle

This oracle, composed of 44 cards with modern and powerful illustrations, is a daily support to help you raise your vibration. Deep and inspiring, the messages channeled by Jenna Blossoms will make your existence magical.

You will receive concrete guidance, accompanied by rituals to perform at home to increase your energy frequency and get answers to all your questions

The Little Oracle of life mission

This little oracle will help you to identify your deep aspirations, your abilities, and to understand what truly does you good. Day after day, these 58 cards will bring you the message you need to act easily, understand the situation, and stay the course in order to realize your projects, those that truly correspond to you.