From Political Science Student
to Spiritual Teacher

Our personal stories have the power to inspire and transform others. Here's a small part of mine!


my story

Ever since I was little, I felt a slight disconnect with the world around me.

I was telling my parents that "I didn't come from here" and was spending a tremendous amount of energy trying to adapt.

Nonetheless, I also always had the strong feeling that I had something important to accomplish on this Earth.

Growing up, I did everything to put aside my feelings, my intuition, and my differences. I spent most of my time reading, understanding the world, learning.

I took refuge in my intellect, my mind, and my knowledge... and I spoke to (almost) no one about my spirituality, which was always present.

I successfully completed my studies in communication and political science, but never stopped secretly being passionate about existential questions and spirituality.

For example... I used to talk to my spiritual guides before going to an exam on European politics...

But as I progressed in my studies and professional experiences, I felt that the life unfolding before me was not in alignment at all with who I was. I felt like I was taking a path that wasn't quite right.

I was eager to make a positive impact in the world, so I decided after my Master's to work in an NGO rather than in the political or institutional world. I was 22 years old.

But quickly, I became aware that I still felt just as disconnected. If I was honest with myself... I still didn't feel like I was in my place. Yet everything seemed so logically correct! A small voice kept telling me again and again: "This is not my way of making the world a better place."

I felt more and more depressed...

Then one day, during a coaching session, I finally allowed my heart to speak. And everything became clear: I was refusing to live my mission. I was refusing to really show myself. I was simply scared. This fear seemed to say :"What would happen if I let my 'true self' out?"

I then set a simple intention that resonated through my entire being:

"I am ready to take responsibility for
my life mission."

Without really understanding what was happening, I felt all the energy awaken in my body.

Then everything started to change. Very quickly.

At that moment, I had absolutely no idea what my path would be. I just knew that I had to fully accept it and myself.

From that instant, my intuition completely reopened and I started to do automatic writing, to receive messages via clairaudience from other plans tinted with great wisdom.

I was woken up at night to write and my guides pushed me to take actions completely outside of my comfort zone (I clearly heard the messages): Write a blog, openly talk about spirituality, be proud of my abilities and my differences, start gathering people to freely talk about life after death...

The universe was simply waiting for me to be ready!

So I accepted. Not without fears, of course. But the universe quickly made me understand that I was on the right path.

At that time, I was still very, very far from thinking about "making spirituality my profession". I couldn't believe it was possible. Nobody was doing that at the time. And I wouldn't have believed in myself to be able to convey teachings.

3 weeks after opening my blog, I was invited to my first conference in front of more than 250 spectators. People I knew from work or university came to ask me for intuitive coaching sessions. Others wanted to interview me for their YouTube channel...

I decided to go with the flow...

I did hundreds of guidances, energy healings... I started recording videos in my garden and sharing through courses, articles, meditations...

Just a few months after this incredible awakening of my mission, I channeled what would be my first book: "Find and Fulfill Your Life Mission", published by Exergue Editions (in French), which was a great success. Then, other projects followed, always divinely guided.

Today, the adventure continues. I continue to follow my path and my guides invite me to keep spreading messages to as many people as possible so that consciences keep evolving.

I am, of course, also on my own path of evolution, like everyone else.

I do what I love with love, determination, and intuition. I continue to share according to my intuitions, my guidance, and my personal evolution. But always with heart.


I tell you my story because I want to testify that by reconnecting with who we really are, we instantly align
with the life that is ours.

I invite you to do this very simple exercise: take a 30-second break and set the following intention
(by saying it out loud, in your head, or by writing it):

« I decide to fully live my life mission. »

Even if you have no idea what it is, or if you think you have already have some ideas, let go of your mental concerns and just focus on this intention for 30 seconds.

You've just sent the message to your soul and the Universe, which will start to vibrate in unison to allow you to align with your path.

You should then receive new intuitions and ideas ... But also different opportunities and eventually experience situations you did not expect. This is the sign that you have been heard.

I know that everyone has a mission on this Earth, and it simply starts by fully embodying who you are.

All the work that I do aims to help you be fully who you are.

I send you lots of light,

I wish you the best,


my world

I have accompanied thousands of people from all ages and backgrounds (men, women, entrepreneurs, artists, employees...) in creating profound transformations in their lives / in living a life more aligned with their soul.

youtube channel

My YouTube channel has recently been created to extend the reach of my spiritual teachings to the english-speaking world. You can expect to find a variety of content from personal experiences, to guided-meditations, to card drawings, and podcast-like interviews.
My french YouTube channel counts over 175,000 subscribers and close to 20 million views.


My instagram account is used to share daily pieces of content and interact with my community.            
It is an effective platform to be closer to my audience and share more personal messages.
My french Instagram has close to 50,000 followers.

Free tools to start your journey

Find free tools to start your meditative journey. Use these mini-programs as a starting point in your spiritual adventure. These tools also allow you to get a glimpse of my online programs.

online programs

My online meditation programs have already gathered more than 6000 participants worldwide and inspired profound shifts in energies.

books & Oracles

Discover my books and oracles designed to be great companions on your spiritual journey. Soon to be available online and in your local bookstore.