Audio program

30 days of meditation

Permanently transform your life
with this 30-day inner journey

included :
  • 30 downloadable meditations
  • Self-coaching journal
  • Exclusive bonuses
  • Lifetime access


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Discover "30 days of meditation"

A powerful tool to live a more fulfilled life

If you are reading this page, you’re likely to be aware and convinced of the benefits of meditation. 

Numerous scientific studies have shown that a regular meditation 
practice leads to:

  • Enhancing your emotional well-being
  • Improving your sleep for more restorative nights
  • Significantly reducing your stress and anxiety levels
  • Increasing your concentration and ability to gain mental clarity

now, Imagine yourself meditating everyday for 30 days:

Imagine the inner transformations that could unfold in just 30 days

You could:

  • Develop your intuition
  • Increase your self-confidence
  • Live more harmonious relationships
  • Or simply feel more fulfilled and grounded in your daily life!

With a consistent meditation practice focused on key areas of your life, these changes become very achievable.

However, these transformational changes do not happen overnight.

They are embodied day after day by embracing every part of yourself.

It is like piecing together a magical puzzle...

Every day, you add a little piece, and gradually, a clear image starts to unveil.

Each meditation allowing you to work on a key aspect of your life is an essential piece of this puzzle.

A piece that enables you to reconnect with your soul and move closer to your personal fulfillment.

After 30 days, you will have assembled all pieces of the puzzle. You will also understand how each piece is crucial for achieving a profound inner transformation.

Some areas will be easier and more enjoyable to work on than others...

Some will awaken insecurities and reveal darker sides of your being.

However, it is by embracing every aspect of your being and evolving across all key areas that you will transform your life.

This is why Jenna Blossoms has created this 30-day guided meditation pack that navigates through all 30 essential aspects of your life.

Beyond simple meditations, 

30 Days of Meditation program is a profound transformational experience.

By working on these 30 key aspects of your life:

  • You will dare to take action
  • You will improve your visualization skills
  • You will calm your thoughts and sooth your limiting fears
  • You will significantly develop your intuition
  • You will feel greater inner peace and serenity
  • You will improve your relationships with others and yourself

What happens after you’ve completed 30 days of meditation ?

You will have lifetime access to these 30 powerful meditations

You will be able to follow the 30-day program multiple times at your own pace

You will be able to target specific areas of your life by using adequate meditations

You will be able to customize your own program based on your needs and preferences



You wake up in the morning, grab your phone or computer, put on your headphones, and choose the area of your life you want to reprogram.

For instance, you wish to...

  • Build and attract healthy, harmonious relationships
  • Transcend your limiting fears
  • Build lasting self-confidence
  • Let go and free yourself from stress

... all you have to do is select your meditation for the day!


Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ DDiscover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__ Discover the program__

Discover the program


Permanently transform your life with the 30 Days of Meditation Program

30 guided meditations

Gain unlimited access to the 30 meditations, as well as the instrumental music tracks
from the meditations


Gain unlimited access to the 30 meditations, as well as the instrumental music tracks
from the meditations

2 exclusive bonuses

You will also receive exclusive bonuses with the program to enhance your transformational experience!

The program

Day 1: Reconnect with yourself

We start together with the first meditation of the program to “reconnect with yourself”.

With this meditation :

  • You will find your alignment
  • You will improve your capacity to listen to your needs and intuition
  • You will put yourself at the center of your life

Day 2: Ground yourself and live in the present moment

We will ground ourselves to the earth and fully live in the present moment.

With this meditation :

  • You will be more present to yourself
  • You will rediscover the joy of living
  • You will be connected to your body and to the Earth

Day 3: Improve your health and love your body

This meditation aims to make you feel good in your body and radiate health.

With this meditation:

  • You'll grow to accept and love your body more deeply
  • You will anchor a state of wellness and health within yourself
  • You will change your neural pathways for healthier habits

Day 4: Let go and free yourself from stress

Breathe deeply... In this meditation, you will let go of everything that weighs you down.

Letting go is one of the key steps to long-lasting fulfillment.

Thanks to this meditation…

  • You will calm your worries and soothe your stress
  • You will develop self-confidence and learn to trust life
  • You will learn to master your thoughts and emotions

Day 5: Gain mental clarity and improve your concentration

Today's meditation is perfect if you're feeling scattered and have trouble concentrating.

With this meditation:

  • You will unleash your inner potential
  • You will enhance your concentration and memory
  • You will make decisions more easily

Day 6: Transcend your limiting fears

Meditation 6 has been designed to help you overcome the fears that are still holding you back in your life.

We all have them... and it's time to detach from them to make place for inner peace.

Thanks to today's meditation…

  • You will recognize your fears to easily detach from them
  • You will anchor a state of great inner security within yourself
  • You will free yourself from both conscious and unconscious fears

Day 7: Find inner peace every day

On day 7, we will open up to one of my favorite topics: inner peace.

While everyone is familiar with the term, few truly experience it.

Ready to give it a try?

With today’s meditation:

  • You will learn to practice detachment in your daily life
  • You will experience a state of fulfillment through a specially designed visualization
  • You will end the meditation with a soothed mind!

Day 8: Build lasting self-confidence

We will focus on self-confidence

So many of us lack confidence and undervalue ourselves...

But that can change!

Thanks to today's meditation…

  • You will have more self-esteem
  • You will have an easier time expressing yourself
  • You will realize your true worth and regain motivation!

Day 9: Live authentically and express your truth

After working on your self-confidence yesterday, we'll go a step further today with this meditation on living authentically and expressing your truth.

Daring to freely express oneself in all areas of life is about acting in alignment with one's deep feelings.

With this meditation:

  • You will dare to reveal your TRUE self to the world
  • You will see improvements in your communication with others as well as in your public speaking skills
  • You will deepen your respect with your inner truth and live in harmony with it

Day 10: Cultivate self-love

Do you feel unconditional love for yourself...?

... Neither do I, but I'm working on it!

Today’s meditation will help you rediscover your true worth.

A worth that is immense.

With this meditation:

  • You will let go of the conditioning that prevents you from loving yourself
  • You will free yourself from the gaze and judgment of others
  • You will shine more in your life, as you will have more confidence and will vibrate with love for yourself!

Day 11: Manage your emotions and navigate hard times

Day 11 is dedicated to the release of your overly burdensome emotions.

It's so important, yet so rarely encouraged in our society.

Thanks to today's meditation…

  • You will release emotions and stagnant energies that weigh you down
  • You will dare to experience your emotions in the future without being overwhelmed by them
  • You will find the strength and faith to get through any situation

Day 12: Raise your vibration and create a new inner state

This meditation allows you to raise your vibration and create a new inner state.

If you don't understand how increasing your vibration can make a difference, you'll experience it during this meditation.

In today’s meditation:

  • You will increase your vibration and energy
  • You will acquire a process to do as many times as you wish
  • You will feel your light shining upon the world

Day 13: Shine bright and inspire those around you

On Day 13, you will become an even more radiant and inspiring individual.

When a person feels good about themselves, naturally, their inner happiness is reflected outward.

Here's what you will experience in today's meditation:

  • You will become an inspiration to others
  • You will boost your self-esteem
  • You will contribute to making the world a better place

Day 14: Become the creator of your life and manifest your dreams

This day is dedicated to your dreams and their manifestation.

Manifestation is a process that occurs in the present moment, because it is in the present moment that all the most beautiful dreams are created and shaped before becoming reality.

In this meditation:

  • You will realize that you are the creator of this existence
  • You will activate your innate power as a creator
  • You will connect with gratitude and understand how it can help you manifest your dreams starting now

Day 15: Build and attract healthy, harmonious relationships

Today we will dive into the process of transforming your relationships so they become fulfilling and harmonious.

Human relationships are at the heart of our existence and, at the same time... can be our biggest challenges!

With today’s meditation:

  • You will make peace with the relationships that still weigh you down
  • You will let go of toxic relationships
  • You will attract people who are more aligned with who you truly are

Day 16: Welcome financial abundance into your life

This meditation is dedicated to financial abundance in your life.

The outcome is not just to attract money, but rather to harmonize your relationship with it.

Because often, money problems are actually linked to deeper blockages... Money is merely a reflection of these.

Thanks to today's meditation:

  • You will allow yourself to receive money in your life
  • You will make peace with money
  • You will give yourself permission to experience a different materialistic reality

Day 17: Learn to receive life’s gifts

Day 17, you develop your ability to receive life's gifts.

Because yes, life has an infinite number of gifts and blessings for you.

However, we often struggle to receive, to accept, to feel worthy of value.

In this meditation:

  • You will receive life's gifts more easily
  • You will be at peace with your vulnerability
  • You will feel worthy of love

Day 18: Find your path and your life’s purpose

This 18th day is dedicated to your life's mission.

I know many people are searching for it and questioning its nature... I've even written an entire book on it!

Today, thanks to this meditation, you will give it space to emerge within you.

  • You will receive a message from your soul regarding your life's mission
  • You will energetically align with your path
  • You will find the confidence to embark on what your soul urges you to do

Day 19: Dare to be who you really are

Today, 19th day of your program, you will go a step further in your inner transformation...

You will show the world who you truly are, unfiltered and undiminished.

Because you deserve to shine in your true colors.

With this meditation:

  • You will let go of behaviors of self-justification, excuse-making, and false humility...
  • You will dare to follow your authentic needs and desires
  • You will find the courage to make choices by listening to your heart and to share your truth

Day 20: Forgive and heal your past

To build a magical future, we will stop by your past first. To simply forgive and heal any wounds still present today. As a starting point toward your new life...

In today’s meditation:

  • You will cleanse the burdens of the past and heal your active wounds
  • You will make peace with your past and let go of the stories that no longer serve
  • You will feel immense relief and deep joy

Day 21: Connect with the magic of life

Knowing how to perceive and enjoy the magic of life is an art that you can develop and cultivate.

That's what we will be doing on Day 21!

Today is a new day, and this meditation is its first magical step.

In this meditation:

  • You will connect with the miracle of life
  • You will open yourself to the messages that life has for you
  • You will attract magic and synchronicities into your daily life

Day 22: Develop your intuition

On Day 22, your intuition is the star of the show.

Intuition is a wonderful tool that, when you begin to develop it, profoundly changes your life.

Do you want to develop your intuition and be able to rely on it more?

Then don't miss today's meditation!

In this meditation:

  • You will be able to easily recognize and perceive the messages from your intuition
  • You will follow your inner guidance with confidence and serenity
  • You will increase your ability to intuitively sense things

Day 23: Live with presence and awareness every day

Day 23 of the program is designed to help you live with presence and awareness every day.

In our daily busy lives, we spend very little time truly being present with ourselves.

What if that changed? What if you discovered the benefits of living in the present moment?

Thanks to today's meditation...

  • You will be more in tune with yourself (intuition, emotions, bodily messages...)
  • You will find great inner peace
  • You will stop running against time

Day 24: Fulfill yourself from within

On day 24, we will explore the deep meaning of your life.

We will open a door to your personal fulfillment.

Everyone needs to feel fulfilled in order to be happy. And you are not an exception.

But where to begin?

That's what we will discover together...

Thanks to today's meditation:

  • You will know which path to take to fulfill yourself completely
  • You will experience a powerful visualization of your fulfilled and radiant self
  • You will feel incredible joy and a desire to take action!

Day 25: Boost your joy and optimism

On the 25th day, you will boost your joy and optimism... and have an amazing day!

Did you know that joy and optimism are beneficial for your health?

Yes, it's true!

Numerous studies show that optimistic people live longer, are less prone to illness, and recover much faster if they do get sick.

So, doing today's meditation is literally... good for your health!

Thanks to today's meditation:

  • You will reignite the spark of joy in your life
  • You will change your body's chemistry for better health
  • You will regain hope in what’s to come

Day 26: Find your true freedom

Day 26... Day of inner freedom!

Being free is a condition for happiness and fulfillment of every living being...

And it's also a state that is cultivated from within (as you may have guessed).

Today, you will rediscover your freedom of your child self.

In this meditation:

  • You will release all mental blockages that prevent you from being and living as you please
  • You will experience a transformative visualization to give you a taste of inner freedom!
  • You will increase your creativity, intuition, and freedom to think!

Day 27: Reconnect with your inner child

Day 27, you will reconnect with your inner child.

You know, that child you once were and who continues to live within you?

He has so much to offer you!

Ready to reunite with him?

Thanks to today's meditation:

  • You will receive a message from your inner child
  • You will heal the wounds of your inner child and provide him with what he needs
  • You will rediscover your childlike spontaneity and your sense of fun!

Day 28: Cultivate unconditional love and compassion

Have you ever felt intense love for a human being? Unconditional, powerful, limitless love...?

Did you know that it's possible to cultivate a similar state of unconditional love for life?

This state is very close to ultimate inner peace.

So, that's our theme for today.

In this meditation:

  • You will feel unconditional love and compassion in your life
  • You will open your heart and your heart chakra
  • You will become a channel of love for the world, for others, and... for yourself!

Day 29: Connect with gratitude and love for life

What better way for this penultimate day than to immerse yourself in a bath of gratitude?

Gratitude is one of the inner states with the highest vibration.

Sometimes it's difficult to feel it when the mind is taking up a lot of space.

So, let's work on that!

In today’s meditation:

  • You will feel unlimited gratitude for all life events, even the most painful ones
  • You will know how to activate gratitude in your life at any moment
  • You will begin to manifest a life that suits you perfectly

Day 30: Illuminate your life

For this last day, we have a special meditation.

Without a doubt, the most intense of them all.

It's a bit longer than usual, so prepare yourself in advance.

It's also extremely powerful as it crowns our journey together.

I can't wait for you to discover it.

In this last meditation:

  • You will journey within yourself in an altered state of consciousness
  • You will illuminate all areas of your life
  • You will create THE life you truly want...



You will receive access to your own self-coaching journal. It offers a series of self-reflective questions for every meditation of the program. It is designed to shed light on your actions and decisions, based on the theme of the meditation you are working on.

By using the “Self-coaching journal” as an extensive tool to the program, you will go even further in your inner transformational journey.

Bonus 2: Soundtracks OF THE MEDITATIONS

You will be able to download the 4 instrumental music tracks that are used throughout the program.

This allows you to meditate on your own with your mantras or listen to them before going to sleep at night.

Having gone through the program, these music tracks will help you reconnect with the state of relaxation experienced during the meditations.


You will receive 30 wallpapers to download directly to your phone.

You will have a wallpaper for each mantra from the program. This allows you to change your wallpaper as you progress through the program.

Every time you take a glimpse at your phone, you will connect to the energy felt during the meditation, and you will gradually anchor these affirmations in your subconscious mind.

What they think of
the program 

Access the 30 days of meditation program

30 days of meditation


You have access to:
  • 30 guided meditations of the program, downloadable with lifetime access
  • Self-coaching journal to help you diver deeper in your transformational journey
  • Every meditation music that has been used in the program, for daily listen
  • 30 downloadable smartphone wallpapers for each mantra of the program

Wish to gift out the 30-day meditation program?

This program can be a magnificent gift, here are 2 options you can choose from:

If you wish to gift it out immediately

At the time of payment, you can directly mention the email address of the person you want to gift it to.

They will then receive an email that grants them instant access to the program.

Please note that this email will not mention that it's a gift from you.

Feel free to send a personal message to let the person know where this wonderful gift comes from.

If you wish to gift it out for a specific date

At the time of payment, you can enter your own contact information.

When the time comes to send the gift, you can contact our team directly, and we will take care of modifying the access to be assigned to the gift recipient.

You can reach out to us by replying to any of the emails you have received from us or by emailing the following address:

30 powerful meditations at
your disposal

Powerful meditations… for less than 7$

By purchasing the program, each meditation only costs “6,56”$ (less than a Starbucks cup of coffee)!

The 30 meditations have been recorded with high quality material and edited by professional sound engineers.

Furthermore, the meditation soundtracks use carefully chosen frequencies that favor meditative states.

And on top of that, these meditations are downloadable on your phone!

Each meditation contains:

  • A detailed explication of the topic
  • Gentle preparation to anchor you in a meditative state
  • Techniques from sophrology, hypnosis, suggestions, and visualizations
  • The mantra of the day
  • A dedicated time to meditate by yourself with the provided mantra

Feel free to take a look at the first meditation of the program!

who is jenna blossoms?

Jenna Blossoms has been an intuitive soul all her life. With a deep craving for spirituality, she vastly explored the topic during her teenage years.

Nonetheless, she followed a more conventional academic path as she studied Communication and Political Science, keeping her spiritual connection hidden for many years. It was only at the age of twenty-one that she did her “spiritual coming out” and started sharing openly about it.

She is now a renowned spiritual teacher in the French-speaking world as well as the author of four successful books and several oracle decks, with more on the way in 2024.

Jenna is also known for the guided meditations she creates, which have been followed by millions of people and are featured on Mindvalley.

Her videos, online workshops, and events inspire others to reconnect with their soul, follow their life path, open their intuition, and raise their vibration. She has interviewed people such as Jay Shetty and Sonia Choquette.

More testimonials on the program

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

Thank you for these inspiring, reassuring, and nourishing meditations.

Thank you for making them available to us.

Your voice, the chosen words, the rhythm, the music, the duration, everything was perfect. A daily pure joy, and for 30 days. Wow.

I appreciated all of them, but I must say that the last one is a gem. I do it every day since. I am a teacher in the national education system. However, I have the choice to practice Montessori pedagogy to allow children to learn at their own pace, in respect of their personality, and also for them to flourish at school, a place where they spend a good part of their lives. Why am I mentioning all this? Well, because in these times of extreme confusion where fear is being conveyed to them and where "health measures" are being requested in schools, I felt extremely torn between my role and convictions. I was afraid, I had doubts. I wanted to tell you how much your meditations have soothed me and how they came to provide us with answers to the questions we had on certain days (my colleague also has the program). Just like your videos, it allows me to hold on, to stay on course, to keep faith in this post-world. Sometimes, I get impatient, I despair at times, but thanks to people like you, I manage to refocus and continue the path, increasingly realizing how magical life is.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And thank you to the whole team, of course.


A wonderful companion on the journey. This is what best summarizes what these meditations have become for me!

I started very regularly without missing a single meditation because it really helped me reconnect, find myself, morning and evening, nourished by Jenna's words, so deep and inspiring. Then I did it again, the whole cycle, two more times. Each time, I heard new things or happily heard words that support me, encourage me, and elevate me to a higher vibration.

Now, I listen to them randomly, according to the inspiration of the day, sometimes even for several days in a row... Every time, something touches me and helps me stay on the right track. Thank you so much, Jenna, for this wonderful gift.



My name is Marie-Christine, I'm 61 years old, and I ordered the 30-day meditation program a little over a month ago. My situation before was not very different from today. After a move last summer, I was still searching for a job, knowing that it becomes complicated at my age, and retirement is not close, unfortunately.

I listened to Jenna, I listened to her meditations every day, and they immediately resonated with me, motivating me to do them more often. As soon as I received them, I eagerly listened to them. However, what happened for me is that I don't listen to all of them in order. Each day that passes, I listen to the meditation that resonates with me.

When I look at the titles, my heart shows me which one I need. Sometimes, it's the same one for several days. These meditations speak to me, speak to my body, and most importantly, to my heart, to my soul. Since then, I feel much better.

Of course, it doesn't resolve all of my anxieties, but it helps me overcome them, be even more positive, and feel much better. Feeling much better psychologically allows me to feel better with my surroundings, my family.

The meditations have opened my mind even more. I thank Jenna very much. Congratulations on all these meditations. Her voice is soft, calm, and composed. The music that accompanies them is very gentle. Being a musician, I am very receptive to music, and the music accompanying the meditations allows me to feel the meditations even more, thanks also to Jenna's gentle voice.

Thank you very much; you are fantastic.


My name is Monique,

Following a life accident, I was like a house of cards that had to be rebuilt, as my sophrologist used to tell me.

Today, it's my Qi-Gong teacher who introduced me to the 30-day meditation program and therefore Jenna, to whom I owe so much gratitude and much more!

The box is a fantastic tool; it helps and guides me, restores my confidence, releases and clears my fears, gives me confidence in all areas, brings fluidity into my life. It helps me let go, and I move forward more and more; I travel within my body. My mind and body become one. It's a wonderful journey! I have better posture. Listening to Jenna's voice reassures me; I grow thanks to her, I learn, and I build myself day by day, and much more.

As for my surroundings, my husband tells me that I am calm, with new strength and energy! I enjoy seeing people more. I joke more, and I smile more. I move at my own pace! Due to the lockdown, I haven't seen many people, so it's difficult to know if others find that I have changed...

That's my journey and the benefits of the program. So, THANK YOU, Jenna, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you; it's a beautiful encounter!

Have a beautiful day,


Very dear Jenna, thank you for this excellent idea of sharing with us your program.

BRAVO BRAVO for these 30 days of meditation.

They touch me, heal me, and in the evening, I fall into a deep sleep while listening to them. A lot of sweetness and happiness are slipped into our souls thanks to you, super Jenna.


The divine angelic love light surrounds us as we listen to the perfect vocabulary, which is appropriate for each meditation theme. Not only for each of us but also for you, dear Jenna.

Anyone who wants to enhance their inner power, chooses the joy of living by listening to these 30 days of meditations.


Thank you to the divine world for all the magical inspirations that you, Jenna, have shared with us.


Hello,I had prepared a one-minute video for you, but apparently, the file is too large....Anyway, my name is Claire, I'm 62 years old, and I have three grown children who have left home. I work in the medical field.

I purchased your program after I’ve listen to one of your meditations where we visualize ourselves putting everything that no longer serves us in ballons, and watch them drift away.

I am now at my sixtieth hour of viewing because I often listen to one before getting up in the morning.

I find them short, varied, interesting, intelligent, and simple.

They have brought me peace and tolerance; I have also done some sorting of things that no longer suited me. I find that both my friends and my patients listen to me with a lot of attention and kindness. I feel like I've become "an old savant" :)

These meditations, along with the Four Agreements by the Toltec, are the simplest things that have had the most impact on me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful sharing.

And thank you for your kindness too.

Best wishes.



Marie-Jeanne, 48 years old, from Switzerland, in constant search of answers to the questions: where do we come from, who are we, and where are we going?

Following significant events, I began a path of spiritual and personal development. One of my goals was to dedicate time to meditation every day, in a different way than my usual practice. I used to meditate lying down before bedtime without a specific meditation topic, with the sole purpose of calming the stream of thoughts.

I already knew Jenna from some conferences that I greatly appreciated. Her voice is gentle and has a soothing power. If there is inner transformation at the end of the road, then the 30 meditations are made for me.

For the past 5 months, it has become essential for me to start my day with meditation every morning. I feel more attuned to my needs, more in harmony with the flow of life, and more in tune with the people I interact with.

People have asked me how I can be so positive despite having an illness. They said that I speak in a different way. I am learning to be gentler with myself, and it shows on the outside.

I highly recommend the program. Everyone will find their gem, words that make us feel good, that inspire us to go further. Repeating positive affirmations has been a powerful trigger for the transformation of my belief system. One after another, they are elevated by something new that brings me joy in life.

Best regards,



I can never thank you enough for this daily guidance. I have found the strength, energy, and desire that had fallen asleep in my inner being, waiting for the moment to resurface.

And I owe it to you. All my gratitude, all my unconditional love. I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Thank you for your kind love.

Warm regards,


Hello Jenna,

My name is Claudine, I'm 62 years old, and I've been an active retiree since early 2021. For many years, I've been seeking help without knowing where to look. During these many years, I've lived with a constant sense of anger. I believe I know where it comes from; it's the imprint of my difficult childhood in a tense and toxic family environment. I've learned to live with it, and despite everything, I've flourished. However, people say I'm rigid and controlling. Yet, they also recognize my loyalty, kindness, listening skills, and friendship. They tell me this too.

I know that what people say about me is true, and I experience it every day. My eldest daughter has recently made a profound shift in her life, both personally and professionally. She is now embarking on a career in personal coaching, self-development, and well-being. Our relationship has been challenging for me due to my past wounds. She invited me to follow your free meditations, and then I felt compelled to purchase your program.

Today, here's how I view my life: I have found myself. I had never realized that I had not taken or found my place in my life until now. I have always thought for others and through others. Meditation has provided me with a vast, calm space, a moment for myself where I let myself be carried away by your words. I wholeheartedly embrace these moments of relaxation and serenity. I've found a lot of peace and an understanding of the mechanisms that led me to react more often than to act, a better understanding of others, and a realization that they are a reflection of me in everyday life. It's with my eldest daughter that I've learned a lot about my attitudes and wounds, and it's thanks to her that I've been introduced to your meditations. I am infinitely grateful to her.

I've understood why I am here and where my place is. It's the one I would like to take. I've worked a lot on letting go and discovered that to forgive, I must forgive myself and not strive for perfection. I am learning daily to be gentler with myself. Thanks to meditation, which opens my awareness of life and its joys a little more each day. I also see better in the behavior of others how I may have reacted in a similar way. I am learning to be more forgiving towards others in this regard, even though it's still a long journey ahead.

Today, a genuine relationship has been established with my eldest daughter, a deep bond has emerged, and our interactions are very enjoyable. This is certainly the most significant impact my awareness and awakening have had on my surroundings. My daughter is the help I had been waiting for. Your meditations are also a voice that inspires me daily and brings me a lot of serenity. Thank you, Jenna, for your assistance, your soothing voice that helps us relax and become aware of our worth. Thank you for your mantras, which, when repeated, illuminate us further and open us to a better life.

Warm regards,


I introduce myself: Brigitte, I am 65 years old, and I am retired.

I practiced sophrology and meditation in a group for 5 years. After my practitioner's discontinuation of her activity, I was looking to continue my journey and also my true life mission.

Before the 30 days of meditation program, I was a bit lost, and on top of that I was undergoing health problems.

This program suits me in its format - 15 to 20 minutes, a progression in the topics covered, the self-coaching exercises, and the proposed rituals (which can be done at any time and are simple to perform). I love the VOICE.

With this program, just like during the month of January, the "magical" establishment of a daily ritual has taken place. It's acquired, and I surprise myself.

Within me, I discover greater serenity, a lifeline accessible at any moment. Around me, I at least have the respect for this moment that I grant myself. It will still take some time for complete understanding, but it no longer bothers me.

The impact on my surroundings is difficult to define... There is no exchange or adherence, so I continue on my path with my "chosen solitude."

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this magnificent work, which I am convinced will help a multitude of people live their daily lives differently.



Access the 30 days of meditation program

30 days of meditation


You have access to:
  • 30 guided meditations of the program, downloadable with lifetime access
  • Self-coaching journal to help you diver deeper in your transformational journey
  • Every meditation music that has been used in the program, for daily listen
  • 30 downloadable smartphone wallpapers for each mantra of the program

Any questions?

What do I have access to after I purchase the program?

After your purchase, you instantly have access to all of the 30 guided meditations as well as every exclusive bonus.

Do I have lifetime access to the meditations?

Yes. You can download every meditation, meaning you have lifetime access.

And I’ve never practiced meditation before? What level do we need?

There are no prerequisites. These meditations are guided and accompanied by gentle background music. All you need is to find a quiet space, take about fifteen minutes, and listen to the audio while allowing yourself to be guided!

What is the best position to meditate?

The short answer is whatever position feels most comfortable for you. In my experience, sitting is the ideal posture to avoid the risk of falling asleep and to stay mindful. If you happen to fall asleep, it's not a problem; your subconscious mind continues to absorb the information. However, it's best to listen to the meditations while staying awake.

Is it possible to communicate with Jenna in private?

This program is designed to be self-guided. Jenna is no longer able to respond to individual requests due to the high volume of inquiries.

If I encounter a technical issue?

You simply need to send an email to and the technical support will help you.

Can I redo the program once I’ve already completed it?

Yes, and it's even better because you'll raise your energy levels even more! You can redo the program as many times as you like and at your own pace. You will see your energy evolve and transform over the weeks.

Can I take time to work on a specific topic?

Of course, you can take as much time as you want to dive deeper into a specific topic by re-listening to a meditation for several consecutive days.

© Jenna Blossoms 2016 - 2024 | Designed by Karen Groc